Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blank White Page

How is the world represented in one blank white page? This is the question that left us as we exited class today. We had just done an activity on Hegelian philosophy about self-consciousness and consciousness, desire and intersubjectivity and mutual recognition.

So, how is the world manifested in one white page? Well, I think that the world is one white page in itself. It is there for humanity to paint, draw, sketch, scratch, and write upon. But why does it stay white? Why one white page? It's because history and humanity is a series of "heres" and "nows," and every here and every now gets its own white page. No two white pages will be the same, but they will all be beautiful. This is how we arrive at Hegel's Weltgeist--an arch of colorful history that has led us to this here and now. If we were to stack every colored page on top of one another we could have a vibrant display of human history. The top page, however, is always white.

But don't worry, I am coloring it as I write this.

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